Teknion Planning Styles


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    Aarea Small Focus
    Aarea Small Focus 01
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 8'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
     •Personal Assistant
    Koncept Lighting
    Cosi Laptop Table
    List Price starting from: $11,200


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Focus
    Aarea Small Focus 02
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 8'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
     •Personal Assistant
    Koncept Lighting
    Cosi Laptop Table
    Zones Round Table
    List Price starting from: $8,900


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Focus
    Aarea Small Focus 03
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 14'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
     •Personal Assistant
    Cosi Laptop Table
    Koncept Lighting
    Zones Round Table
    List Price starting from: $41,300


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Collaborate
    Aarea Large Collaborate 01
    Footprint: 17'-0" x 23'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Bookcase Planters
    Cosi Laptop Table
    Koncept Lighting
     •Media Rover
     •Work Board
     •Shared Tote
    List Price starting from: $39,600


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Collaborate
    Aarea Large Collaborate 02
    Footprint: 18'-6" x 19'-6"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Bookcase Planters
    Koncept Lighting
    Studio TK
     •Vettore Modular Seating
     •Bevy Tables
    List Price starting from: $71,200


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Collaborate
    Aarea Large Collaborate 03
    Footprint: 16'-6" x 18'-6"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Bookcase Planters
    Gus* Modern
     •Odeon Tables
     •Nord Sofa
     •Tamdam Lighting
    North 56 Tables
    List Price starting from: Teknion: $26,000
    Gus* Modern: $5,100


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Lounge
    Aarea Small Lounge 01
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Routes Coat Stand
    StudioTK Sly Tables
    List Price starting from: $10,300


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Lounge
    Aarea Small Lounge 02
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 15'-6"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Bookcase Planters
    Complements Screen
    District Storage System Bookcase
    Koncept Lighting
    Routes Tables
    List Price starting from: $31,800


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Solo Lounge
    Aarea Solo Lounge 01
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 29'-6"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Banqs Sofas
    Bookcase Planters
    Loria Chairs
    List Price starting from: $37,700


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Solo Lounge
    Aarea Solo Lounge 02
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 30'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Complements Screens
    Gus* Modern
     Jane 2 Bi-Sectional
     Truss Lounge Chairs
     Solana Tables
     Tandam Lighting
    Kiosk Planter
    Routes Tables
    Zones Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: Teknion: $14,000
    Gus* Modern: $9,800


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Solo Lounge
    Aarea Solo Lounge 03
    Footprint: 7'-6" x 18'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Complements Screen
    District Storage Stacker
    Koncept Lighting
    Studio TK
     •Clique Bench
     •Sly Tables
    upStage Stage
    List Price starting from: $25,800


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Lounge
    Aarea Large Lounge 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Gus* Modern
     •Calista Lighting
     •Jane 2 Sofa
     •Palma Tables
    List Price starting from: Teknion: $8,900
    Gus* Modern: $9,000


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Conversation
    Aarea Small Conversation 01
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Koncept Lighting
    List Price starting from: $15,800 (does not include Within)


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Small Conversation
    Aarea Small Conversation 02
    Footprint: 10'-2" x 27'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
     •Freestanding Tables
    District Power Spine
    Zones Table
    List Price starting from: $55,800 (does not include Task Seating)


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Conversation
    Aarea Large Conversation 01
    Footprint: 21'-0" x 25'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
     •Counter Storage
     •Media Chat
    Routes Workshop Stools
    Zones Ledge Tables
    List Price starting from: $34,200


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Aarea Large Conversation
    Aarea Large Conversation 02
    Footprint: 16'-0" x 26'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Bookcase Planters
    District Storage Systems Bookcase
    Media Rover
     •Workstation Integration
     •Meeting Table
    List Price starting from: $61,300
    (does not include task seating)


    Tailoring meets engineering, innovated through second-life materials. Designed by Pearson Lloyd for Teknion, Aarea is familiar and welcoming, intuitive and ergonomic in use, and made with a minimum of components and materials, which speaks to the ingenuity and intelligence of the chair’s design. Aarea’s mélange knit back is fabricated from retrieved marine plastic to minimize virgin materials and waste. The knit back is flexible and readily conforms to the shape of the body, creating seamless support through the tensions inherent in the knit. The knit back is made to size, creating no additional cut-off waste. A cushioned seat and angled armrests further enhance comfort and wellbeing for all users throughout a workday.


    Ancillary Banqs
    Ancillary Banqs 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 12'-3"
    Product: Banqs Sofas
    Studio TK
     •Havn Tables
     •Libelle Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: $25,600


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Banqs
    Ancillary Banqs 02
    Footprint: 9'-6" x 12'-0"
    Product: Banqs Alcove Sofas
    Studio TK
     •Compass Task Table
     •Havn Lounge Chair
     •Mari Sol Tables
    List Price starting from: $33,200


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Banqs
    Ancillary Banqs 03
    Footprint: 22'-0" x 27'-0"
    Product: Banqs Sofas
    Gus* Modern
     •Atwell Table
     •Bantam Dining Table
     •Branch Shelving
     •Manifold Tables
     •Nord Chair
     •Odeon Tables
    Studio TK Pillows
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Bonds
    Ancillary Bonds 01
    Footprint: 18'-0" x 23'-0"
    Product: Bonds Tables & Blocks
    Kiosk Open Shelves
    StudioTK Freehand Table
    List Price starting from: $39,400


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Bonds
    Ancillary Bonds 02
    Footprint: 28'-0" x 30'-0"
    Product: Bonds Tables & Blocks
    Kiosk Open Shelves
    StudioTK Havn Table
    List Price starting from: $55,100


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Borough
    Ancillary Borough 01
    Footprint: 18'-0" x 28'-0"
    Product: Kiosk Open Bookshelf
    North 56 Table
     •Borough Bench Seating
     •Cover Lounge Chair
     •Havn Tables
     •Trine Stool
    List Price starting from: $46,100


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Borough
    Ancillary Borough 02
    Footprint: 8'-0" x 19'-0"
    Product: Bonds Table
     •Borough Benches
     •Freehand Tables
    List Price starting from: $17,100


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Borough
    Ancillary Borough 03
    Footprint: 11'-2" x 15'-6"
    Product: Bonds Tables
     •Borough Benches
     •Sly Tables
    List Price starting from: $20,700


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Clique
    Ancillary Clique 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: Chronicle Table
    District Storage System Stacker
    upStage Storage
     Sled Lounge
     Club Chair
     •Clique Bench
     •Sly Occasional Tables
    List Price starting from: $36,700


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Clique
    Ancillary Clique 02
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: Aarea Seating
    Custom Wood C+D Table
    Gus* Modern Array Coffee Table
    District Storage System Stacker
    upStage Stage
     •Clique Bench
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Clique
    Ancillary Clique 03
    Footprint: 8'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: District Low Open Credenza
     District Storage System Stacker
     •Borough Tables
     •Clique Bench
     •Pala Disc Base Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: $28,400


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary DNA
    Ancillary DNA 01
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 16'-0"
    Product: DNA Modular Seating
    Kiosk Open Shelves
     •Havn Tables
     •Petal Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: $32,600


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Gus* Modern Sola
    Ancillary Gus* Modern Sola 01
    Footprint: 17'-0" x 21'-0"
    Product: Gus* Modern
     •Palma Tables
     •Sola Bi-Sectional
    Loria Stool
    North56 Table
    StudioTK Pillows
    Zones Solo Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Gus* Modern Sola
    Ancillary Gus* Modern Sola 02
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 21'-6"
    Product: Gus* Modern Sola Bi-Sectional
     •Braso Lounge Chair
     •Beso Barstool
     •Havn Tables
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Gus* Modern Gus Nord Sofa
    Ancillary Gus* Modern Gus Nord Sofa 01
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 21'-0"
    Product: Gus* Modern
     •Foundry Chair
     •Nord Sofa
     •Odeon Tables
     •Sante Chairs
    District Storage System Stacker
    Interpret Work Table
    Journal Credenza
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Gus* Modern Silverlake
    Ancillary Gus* Modern Silverlake 01
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: Gus* Modern
     •Arcade Bar Cart
     •Forme Chairs
     •Nord Chairs
     •Porter Table
     •Silverlake Ottomans
     •Silverlake XL Sofa
    StudioTK Pillows
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Havn Sofa
    Ancillary Havn Sofa 01
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: StudioTK
     •Havn Sofa
     •Kalm Footstool
     •Kalm Lounge Chair
     •Pico Lounge Chair
     •Sly Tables
    Zones Lighting
    List Price starting from: $25,200


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Infinito
    Ancillary Infinito 01
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 13'-6"
    Product: Gus* Modern Fulton Chair
    Complements Fabric Shade
     •Infinito Sectional
     •Borough Tables
     •Compass Task Table
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Infinito
    Ancillary Infinito 02
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 15'-4"
    Product: Byward High Cabinet
     •Infinito Sectional
     •Borough Tables
     •Lasai Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: $34,000


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Kalm Lounge
    Ancillary Kalm Lounge 01
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 13'-0"
    Product: Bonds Freestanding Single Blocks
    Gus* Modern Odeon Table
    Kiosk Open Shelves
     •Kalm Lounge Chair
     •Compass Table
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Routes
    Ancillary Routes 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 17'-0"
    Product: Routes Soft Seating
    Gus* Modern Odeon Table
    Kiosk BookShelf
    Zones Tables
     •Lasai Lounge
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Routes
    Ancillary Routes 02
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 24'-0"
    Product: Routes Sofa
    District Storage System Stacker
    Interpret Work Table
    Journal Credenza
    North56 Arne Seating
     •Borough Table
     •Compass Table
    List Price starting from: $42,900


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Vettore
    Ancillary Vettore 01
    Footprint: 15'-6" x 16'-6"
    Product: Kiosk Open Shelves
     •Vettore Modular Seating
     •Compass Tables
     •F588 Lounge Chair
     •Havn Tables
    List Price starting from: $38,900


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Vettore
    Ancillary Vettore 02
    Footprint: 12'-6" x 14'-6"
    Product: Gus* Modern Odeon Table
     •Vettore Modular Seating
     •Borough Sofa
     •Petal Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Vettore
    Ancillary Vettore 03
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 16'-6"
    Product: Gus* Modern Arcade Bar Cart
     •Vettore Modular Seating
     •Havn Lounge Chair
     •Havn Table
     •Pico Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Vignette
    Ancillary Vignette 01
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 18'-6"
    Product: Vignette Lounge Seating
    Gus* Modern Odeon Table
    Kiosk Bookshelf
    Koncept Lighting
     •Sly Tables
     •Braso Lounge Chair
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Zones Lounge
    Ancillary Zones Lounge 01
    Footprint: 10'-6" x 12'-6"
    Product: Zones Lounge Chair
    Kiosk Open Shelves
     •Qui Small Ottomans
     •Sly Tables
    List Price starting from: $20,000


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Zones
    Ancillary Zones 01
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: Zones Screens
    Koncept Lighting
     •Pala Lounge Chair
     •Pala Ottoman
    Gus* Modern
     •Arcade Bar Cart
    •Porter Table
    List Price starting from: Taknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Zones
    Ancillary Zones 02
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: Zones Screens
    Aarea Seating
    Koncept Lighting
    Gus* Modern
     •Arcade Bar Cart
     •Finely Table
    StudioTK Pillows
    List Price starting from: Teknion
    Gus* Modern


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Ancillary Zones
    Ancillary Zones 03
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: Zones
     •Settings Sofa
     •Sled Lounge Chair
     •Open Lounge
     •Pico Lounge Chair
     •Sly Tables
    List Price starting from: $28,600


    Products — ranging from lounge furniture and tables to lighting and accessories — are crafted to support spaces that emphasize comfort, well-being, and adaptability. They anticipate evolving needs as people come together to connect, create, converse, and relax, making room for change.

    Our ancillary solutions bring a blend of color, texture, and detail to spaces, engaging the senses and striking a balance between current trends and timeless appeal. Thoughtfully designed to support both function and flexibility, these elements contribute to a space that is not only functional but also beautiful, engaging, and meaningful.


    Open Space Bookcases 02
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 19'-0"
    Product: Open Space Bookcases & Console
    Audience Tables
    North 56
     •Chez Chairs
    List Price starting from: $19,000


    Open Bookcase collection fills the need for stylish, large-scale space division solutions, emphasizing simplicity, functionality, and complementary finish choices.


    Open Space Bookcases 03
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 11'-6"
    Product: Open Space Console
     •hiSpace Quick Connect HA Tables
    List Price starting from: $6,600 per person
    (does not include task chairs)


    Open Bookcase collection fills the need for stylish, large-scale space division solutions, emphasizing simplicity, functionality, and complementary finish choices.

    Craft Elevated 01

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Craft Elevated Layout 01
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 13'-0"
    Product: Infinity Screens
    Zones Club Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $13,100
    (does not include Zones Chairs)

    (including Zones Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Craft Elevated 02

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Craft Elevated Layout 02
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 13'-6"
    Product: Infinity Screens
    Zones Club Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $10,000
    (does not include Zones Chairs)

    (including Zones Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Craft Elevated 03

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Craft Elevated Layout 03
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 13'-6"
    Product: Infinity Screens
    Zones Club Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $12,600
    (does not include Zones Chairs)

    (including Zones Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Focus 01

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Focus Layout 01
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 13'-6"
    Product: Byward
    Complements Lighting
    Emote Accessories
    Frames Screens
    Side Filers
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $9,800
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Focus 02

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Focus Layout 02
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 14'-0"
    Product: Byward
    Complements Lighting
    District Power Spine
    Emote Accessories
    Infinity Screens
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $9,200
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Focus 03

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Focus Layout 03
    Footprint: 10'-6" x 13'-6"
    Product: Byward
    Complements Lighting
    Emote Accessories
    Framed Screens
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $7,300
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Movement & Softness 01

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Movement & Softness Layout 01
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 18'-0"
    Product: Complements Accessories & Lamps
    Floor Flush Power Spine
    hiSpace HA Tables
    Hoddies, Drop Off Storage, Side Saddle
    Infinity Screens
    Tone Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $8,500
    (does not include Tone Chairs)

    including Tone Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Movement & Softness 02

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Movement & Softness Layout 02
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 18'-6"
    Product: Complements Accessories & Lamps
    Floor Flush Power Spine
    Drop Off Storage, Bag Drops & Floating Shelf
    hiSpace HA Tables
    Tone Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $6,700
    (does not include Tone Chairs)

    including Tone Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Movement & Softness 03

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Movement & Softness Layout 03
    Footprint: 10'-6" x 18'-0"
    Product: Complements Accessories & Lamps
    Drop Off Storage, Bag Drops & Floating Shelf
    Floor Flush Power Spine
    Infinty Screens
    hiSpace HA Tables
    Tone Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $7,800
    (does not include Tone Chairs)

    including Tone Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Movement & Softness 04

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Movement & Softness Layout 04
    Footprint: 10'-6" x 18'-6"
    Product: Complements Accessories & Lamps
    Hoodies, Drop Off Storage, Bag Drops & Floating Shelf
    Floor Flush Power Spine
    Infinty Screens
    hiSpace HA Tables
    Tone Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $9,100
    (does not include Tone Chairs)

    including Tone Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Open & Inviting 01

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Open & Inviting Layout 01
    Footprint: 6'-6" x 13'-6"
    Product: District
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $12,000
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Open & Inviting 02

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Open & Inviting Layout 02
    Footprint: 6'-6" x 13'-0"
    Product: District
    Journal Storage
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $9,800
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Open & Inviting 03

    Focus Work
    Focus Work, Open & Inviting Layout 03
    Footprint: 6'-6" x 13'-6"
    Product: District
    Journal Storage
    Contessa Chairs
    List Price Starting from (per person): $12,100
    (does not include Contessa Chairs)

    including Contessa Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Public & Private 01

    Focus Work
    Public & Private Layout 01
    Footprint: 13'-6" x 15'-6"
    Product: Interpret Meeting Table
    Routes Trolleys
    Complements Totes
    Zones Table Top Screens
    Loria Chairs
    List Price Starting from: $21,200
    (does not include Loria Chairs)

    including Loria Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Public & Private 02

    Focus Work
    Public & Private Layout 02
    Footprint: 7'-6" x 15'-0"
    Product: Audience Meeting Table
    Complements Totes
    Kiosk Opoen Bookshelves
    Zones Table Top Screens
    North 56 Chez Chairs
    List Price Starting from: $10,900
    (does not include Chez Chairs)

    including Chez Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Public & Private 03

    Focus Work
    Public & Private Layout 03
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 14'-0"
    Product: Byward Cabinets
    Complements Totes
    District Desktop Casual Screen
    Rec Tables
    Santé Stools
    List Price Starting from: $14,000
    (does not include Santé Stools)

    including Santé Stools)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Public & Private 04

    Focus Work
    Public & Private Layout 04
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 15'-0"
    Product: Banqs Solo Focus Sofas
    Complements Totes
    Emote Credenza
    North 56 Tables
    Zones Table Top Screens
    Loria Chairs
    List Price Starting from: $30,000
    (does not include Loria Chairs)

    including Loria Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.

    Public & Private 05

    Focus Work
    Public & Private Layout 05
    Footprint: 9'-6" x 14'-0"
    Product: Community Table
    Complements Totes
    District Desktop Casual Screens
    Emote Pedestals
    Kuskoa Stools
    Loria Chairs
    List Price Starting from: $75,000
    (does not include Loria Chairs)

    including Loria Chairs)

    Focus Work

    From the comic strip Dilbert to the satirical film, Office Space, the cubicle has been a cultural punch line. Yet these familiar office set ups have had more longevity than expected, evolving to meet the changing needs of people at work.

    Along with changes in work behaviors and protocols, the office itself has evolved to embrace collaboration, as well as focused individual work. Facilitating focus, the workstation provides a place to achieve a task, meet a deadline, or finish a project with minimal distraction. At the same time, any given workday is likely to include on-site and virtual meetings or work on a team-based project that takes place in a meeting room or the office café. But while the office may take multiple forms in response to ongoing change, the need for smaller workspaces that afford solitude and privacy remains relevant, even essential, to good work and healthy workers alike.


    Chronicle Layout 01
    Footprint: 6'-8" x 10'-6"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $33,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 02
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 12'-6"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $56,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 03
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 12'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $47,500
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 04
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 18'-6"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $65,500
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 05
    Footprint: 6'-6" x 8'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $30,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 06
    Footprint: 7'-6" x 13'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $41,500
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 07
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $26,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 09
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 10'-6"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $27,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 10
    Footprint: 8'-6" x 8'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $39,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 11
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 10'-6"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $39,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.


    Chronicle Layout 12
    Footprint: 8'-6" x 10'-0"
    Product: Chronicle
    List Price Starting from: $23,000
    (does not include seating)


    Chronicle, a unique combination of existing ideas, refines the expected casegood to be something more: modern, elevated, inviting.
    Designed in collaboration with Jess Sorel, Chronicle has an extensive selection of neutral finishes, which can be combined in one setting to create a unique and unexpected look. Elegant and thoughtful details on all touchpoints invites the user to engage with their workspace.

    Common Ground

    Design Days
    Design Days Common Ground
    Footprint: 11'-2" x 11'-7"
    Product: Journal
    Aarea Casual Lounge Chair
    List Price Starting from: $15,000

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?

    Connect and Create

    Design Days
    Design Days Connect and Create
    Footprint: 13'-7" x 15'-11"
    Product: Routes
    StudioTK - Clique Bench
    StudioTK - Kalm Lounge Chair
    List Price Starting from: $36,000

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?


    Design Days
    Design Days Freeform
    Footprint: 7'-6" x 28'-0"
    Product: Complements
    StudioTK - Fractals
    StudioTK - Dual
    StudioTK - F500 series
    StudioTK - Qui Ottoman
    List Price Starting from: $41,000

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?

    In Motion

    Design Days
    Design Days In Motion
    Footprint: 16'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: Complements
    Ledger Plus
    Kupp Chair
    List Price Starting from: $67,000
    (does not include seating)

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?

    Material Expression

    Design Days
    Design Days Material Expression
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 12'-2"
    Product: Byward
    District Power Spine
    Gus* Modern
    Tone Task Chair
    StudioTK - Pico
    List Price Starting from: $32,000
    (does not include seating)

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?

    Shift to Focus

    Design Days
    Design Days Shift to Focus
    Footprint: 7'-3" x 12'-9"
    Product: Banqs
    Gus* Modern
    StudioTK - Kuskoa Bi
    List Price Starting from: $46,000

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?

    Touch Base

    Design Days
    Design Days Touch Base
    Footprint: 10'-4" x 12'-0"
    Product: Complements
    District Power Spine
    Teknion Reception
    StudioTK - Beso
    List Price Starting from: $55,000

    Design Days

    The past four years have taught us the importance of the office; and that yes - it is worth the commute. But the question becomes how can this space be better? How can it elevate the experience, and foster deeper connections between colleagues and to the company itself?
    How does it evolve to be a true supporting player in our lives - one that anticipates our changing rituals of work, and offers variety and comfort while supporting the more advanced and technical tasks that we expect to accomplish?


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 01
    Footprint: 12'-2" x 18'-2"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $46,500

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 02
    Footprint: 5'-4" x 18'-9"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $33,500

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 03
    Footprint: 12'-3" x 18'-2"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $45,500

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 04
    Footprint: 12'-1" x 24'-2"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $46,500

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 05
    Footprint: 12'-3" x 24'-2"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $63,000

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 06
    Footprint: 12'-5" x 28'-2"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $34,000

    Workstation available only as fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 07
    Footprint: 10'-3" x 15'-3"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $31,500

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


      Click&Ship Workstation
    Click&Ship Workstation 08
    Footprint: 12'-3" x 19'-0"
    Product: Click&Ship Workstation
    List Price Starting from: $48,000

    Workstations available as height-adjustable or fixed-height.

    Click & Ship

    Furnish Your Space with a Simple Click

    Short lead times
    No small order fees
    No specifications
    Set discounts

    Get started with complete workstation options.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 01
    Footprint: 23'-0" x 29'-0"
    Product: Banqs
    Kupp Chair
    List Price Starting from: $52,000

    (does not include pillows)

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 02
    Footprint: 24'-0" x 24'-0"
    Product: Banqs
    TAKT Chair
    Archectectural Interiors WithIn
    List Price Starting from:Furniture(excl. Within): $43,500
    Architectural Interiors WithIn: $41,000

    (price does not include pillows)

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 03
    Footprint: 25'-0" x 29'-0"
    Product: Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: $24,000

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 04
    Footprint: 16'-0" x 17'-0"
    Product: Kupp Chair
    List Price Starting from: $18,000

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 05
    Footprint: 26'-0" x 27'-0"
    Product: Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: $30,500

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 06
    Footprint: 17'-0" x 26'-0"
    Product: Routes
    Kupp Chair
    List Price Starting from: $28,500

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 07
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: Benebox
    List Price Starting from: $31,500

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


    The Teknion Cafeteria
    The Teknion Cafeteria Layout 08
    Footprint: 17'-6" x 24'-0"
    Product: Kupp Chair
    List Price Starting from: $16,000

    Teknion Cafeteria...more than just a cafeteria

    An office cafeteria is the one constant gathering place in any office. To live we must eat. But, the office cafeteria is more than just a place to grab a bite. It’s a place to refuel, connect with colleagues and of late, it also provides a change of scenery for the flexible worker.


      Byward Small Spaces
    Byward Layout 01 Small Spaces
    Footprint: 3'-6" x 5'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $1,300

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Small Spaces
    Byward Layout 02 Small Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 6'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $2,000

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Small Spaces
    Byward Layout 03 Small Spaces
    Footprint: 4'-0" x 6'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $2,000

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Small Spaces
    Byward Layout 04 Small Spaces
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 5'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $1,700

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Medium Spaces
    Byward Layout 05 Medium Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $3,900

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Medium Spaces
    Byward Layout 06 Medium Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 9'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $3,300

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Medium Spaces
    Byward Layout 07 Medium Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 7'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $2,600

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Medium Spaces
    Byward Layout 08 Medium Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 7'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $2,700

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Large Spaces
    Byward Layout 09 Large Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 14'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $6,900

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward large Spaces
    Byward Layout 10 Large Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $5,800

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Large Spaces
    Byward Layout 11 Large Spaces
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 9'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $4,300

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Large Spaces
    Byward Layout 12 Large Spaces
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 12'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $4,800

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Blended Solutions
    Byward Layout 13 Blended Solutions
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 10'-6"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $6,500

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Blended Solutions
    Byward Layout 14 Blended Solutions
    Footprint: 8'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $7,600

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Blended Solutions
    Byward Layout 15 Blended Solutions
    Footprint: 6'-0" x 8'-6"
    Product: Byward
    Expansion Casegoods
    List Price Starting from: $6,300

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


      Byward Blended Solutions
    Byward Layout 16 Blended Solutions
    Footprint: 6'-6" x 10'-0"
    Product: Byward
    List Price Starting from: $4,100

    (price does not include seating)


    Offering a fresh approach to casegoods design, Byward™ is about doing more with less. Composed of ten core products, the collection combines streamlined design, dimensions and construction to cost-effectively meet essential needs. Byward provides a classic built-in look with flexibility to adjust over time. Lending a familiar residential look to the office, pieces are scaled to optimize space in the pared-down footprint of today’s private office or shared work hub.


    Routes Layout 01


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 02


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 03
    Footprint: 15'-0" x 22'-6"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $14,500

    (price does not include task seating)


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 04
    Footprint: 13'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $7,300

    (price does not include task seating)


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 05
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 12'-0"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $4,400

    (Price does not include task seating)


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 06


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 07


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 08
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $8,100
    Configure this Layout! Configure this Layout! Click & Ship


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 09
    Footprint: 8'-6" x 15'-0"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $6,400

    (price does not include task seating)


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 10


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 11
    Footprint: 8'-0" x 10'-6"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $5,000

    (price does not include task seating
    Configure this Layout! Configure this Layout! Click & Ship


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 12


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 13


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 14
    Footprint: 13'-6" x 27'-0"
    Product: Routes
    List Price Starting from: $24,000 (price does not include pillows.)


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 15


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 16
    Footprint: 25'-0" x 27'-0"
    Product: Routes
    North 56
    List Price Starting from: $36,500


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.


    Routes Layout 17
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 9'-6"
    Product: Routes
    North 56
    List Price Starting from: $5,000


    Routes departs from conventional contract furniture with a toolbox of boldly conceived products that are simple and able. The collection allows one to build-up a complete workspace for a small, tight-knit studio or create casual “pop-up” work hubs across the expanse of a corporate headquarters. Routes readily adapts to spaces big and small, to the requirements of an established enterprise and to the needs of those who work at home. Light, agile and mobile, Routes encourages people to move about and to move their furniture around, to make or unmake a space in which to think, meet or create. The collection is made up of furniture, lighting and accessories, given fresh yet familiar forms that are easy to understand and to specify; easy to assemble, configure and use.

    Service Room

      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Service Room
    Footprint: 10'-3" x 10'-8"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $20,500 (Does not include trolley, or appliances)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.

    Print Centre

      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Printing Centre
    Footprint: 12'-6" x 17'-6"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $14,000 (Does not include table & seating)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Reception
    Footprint: 9'-6" x 13'-1"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $20,000 (Does not include reception desk & seating)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Bistro
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 17'-4"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $20,000 (Does not include, tables, seating, shelves and accessories)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Cafeteria
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 16'-0"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $14,500 (Does not include tables & seating)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Breakroom
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 15'-0"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $24,000 (Does not include tables & seating)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


    Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Mailroom
    Footprint: 15'-0" x 19'-0"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $38,100 (Does not include table)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


      Modular Cabinets
    Modular Cabinets Learning Space
    Footprint: 20'-0" x 28'-6"
    Product: Modular Cabinets
    List Price Starting from: $38,500 (Does not include tables & seating)

    Modular Cabinets

    Modular Cabinets is a collection of storage cabinetry designed for business and institutional applications. Comprised of wall, base and storage units, Modular Cabinets provides a built-in custom look anywhere traditional millwork cabinetry is required.


    North 56 Private
    North 56 Private Office 01
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: North 56
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $5,800
    Dossier: $40,000

    (price does not include task chair)

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Private
    North 56 Private Office 02
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 9'-6"
    Product: North 56
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $4,600
    Emote/Zones: $17,500

    (price does not include task chair)

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Cafe
    North 56 Cafe 01
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 21'-6"
    Product: North 56
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $20,000
    Tables: $5,500

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Cafe
    North 56 Cafe 02
    Footprint: 16'-0" x 17'-6"
    Product: North 56
    Tables&Collaborative Spaces
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $11,000
    Banqs/Tables and Collaborative Spaces: $19,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Multi-purpose
    North 56 Multi-purpose 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 18'-6"
    Product: North 56
    Studio Tk
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $14,500
    Studio TK/Zones: $19,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Multi-purpose
    North 56 Multi-purpose 02
    Footprint: 17'-0" x 20'-0"
    Product: North 56
    Bene Box
    Studio Tk
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $13,000
    StudioTK/Zones: $14,500

    (prices do not include Benebox.)
    Shop Bene Box on teknionstore

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Casual
    North 56 Casual Meeting 01
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 13'-0"
    Product: North 56
    Studio Tk
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $8,700
    Studio TK/Zones: $18,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Casual
    North 56 Casual Meeting 02
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: North 56
    Studio Tk
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $7,800
    StudioTK/Zones: $28,500

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Casual
    North 56 Casual Meeting 03
    Footprint: 8'-6" x 8'-6"
    Product: North 56
         •Standard Rectangular Table
    Studio Tk
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $4,500
    StudioTK/Zones: $11,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Meeting
    North 56 Meeting Room 01
    Footprint: 11'-0" x 11'-0"
    Product: North 56
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $16,500

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Meeting
    North 56 Meeting Room 02
    Footprint: 14'-6" x 15'-6"
    Product: North 56
    Studio Tk
    Custom Wood/Tables
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $16,500
    Punt/StudioTK/Custom Wood/Tables: $31,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Meeting
    North 56 Meeting Room 03
    Footprint: 7'-6" x 12'-0"
    Product: North 56
         •split 2-piece rectangular table
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $8,000
    Emote/Zones: $4,700

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Meeting
    North 56 Meeting Room 04
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 12'-6"
    Product: North 56
         •split 2-piece rectangular table
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $7,700
    Emote/Zones: $23,000

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    North 56 Meeting
    North 56 Meeting Room 05
    Footprint: 10'-0" x 10'-6"
    Product: North 56
         •Square Bar Table
    List Price Starting from: North 56: $11,000
    C+D/Zones: $16,700

    North 56

    North 56 is a series of multi-use wood chairs designed to fit a workplace that’s more relaxed and congenial; more welcoming in look and feel. Engaging the talents of diverse designers, each collection highlights craft and the beauty and warmth of wood. Equally, clean lines and curves shaped to the body emerge as recurrent themes. The series takes its name, North 56, from the latitudinal coordinate that runs across Canada, northern Europe and Asia, tracing a line that connects geographies, cultures and design traditions. Drawing from the design ethos of Scandinavia and Japan, North 56 recasts these influences in a fresh, original way suited to contemporary work environments.


    Bonds 01
    Footprint: 12'-0" x 12'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $13,000


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 02
    Footprint: 13'-6" x 22'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $32,500


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 03
    Footprint: 13'-6" x 35'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $40,000


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 04
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 24'-2"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $34,500


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 05
    Footprint: 12'-6" x 18'-6"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $29,000


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 06
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 27'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $48,500

    (price does not include pillows)


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 07
    Footprint: 17'-0" x 19'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $30,000


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 08
    Footprint: 20'-6" x 25'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $34,500


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 09
    Footprint: 18'-6" x 25'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $23,500


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 10
    Footprint: 21'-6" x 23'-0"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $34,500


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    Bonds 11
    Footprint: 22'-6" x 30'-6"
    Product: Bonds
    List Price Starting from: $34,000


    Bonds takes a fresh approach to modular seating. Inspired by the concept of a Jacob’s Ladder, a toy made up of loosely bonded segments, Bonds employs a unique mechanism that connects individual units in countless configurations. The free-form design strikes a balance between playful innovation and simple functionality. The Jacob’s Ladder concept is enabled with a strap kit attachment that remains invisible until put in use. The straps are attached at the bottom corner which allows a unit to pivot at either end. The unit can be turned clockwise or counterclockwise a full 180º yet remains attached, allowing for adaptation while providing a degree of control over spur-of-the-moment repositioning by users. Bonds creates an impression of simplicity and ease through softened edges sheathed in fabric that appears to be folded up and over the top of the seat. Double-stitched seams add a visual and tactile detail that contributes to durability and length of life, as well as aesthetics.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 01
    Footprint: 20'-0" spine
    6'-0" X 20'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting from:$35,500

    (price does not include seating)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 02
    Footprint: 24'-0" spine
    10'-6" X 24'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $49,000

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 03
    Footprint: 20'-0" spine
    11'-6" X 20'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting From: $57,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 04
    Footprint: 8'-0" spines
    9'-0" X 26'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting From: Workstations: $32,500
    Meeting Area: $10,500

    (price does not include task seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 05
    Footprint: 24'-0" zig zag spine
    6'-0" X 23'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $27,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 06
    Footprint: 24'-0" zig zag spine
    12'-0" X 24'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $47,000

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 07
    Footprint: 5'-0" 120HUB spine
    9'-6" X 11'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting from: $22,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 08
    Footprint: 5'-0" 120HUB spine
    10'-0" X 10'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $20,000

    (price does not include seating)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 09
    Footprint: 24'-0" spine
    12'-3" X 24'-2" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    Interpret Storage
    List Price Starting from: $44,500

    (price does not include seating)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 10
    Footprint: 24'-0" zig zag spine
    7'-0" X 26'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $23,000

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 11
    Footprint: 4'-0" 120HUB spine
    9'-0" X 9'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting from: $9,900

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 12
    Footprint: 24'-0" zig zag spine
    5'-0" 120HUB spines
    13'-6" X 42'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: $75,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 13
    Footprint: 20'-0" spine
    9'-0" X 20'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    North 56 Seating
    Tables and Collaborative Spaces
    upStage Storage
    List Price Starting from: Workstations: $31,000
    Meeting Area: $18,000

    (price does not include task seating or accessories)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 14
    Footprint: 24'-0" spine
    12'-6" X 24'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    Interpret Storage
    Lounge Furniture
    List Price Starting from: Workstations: $50,500
    Collaborative: $10,500

    (price does not include task seating or accessories

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 15
    Footprint: 24'-0" spine
    12'-3" X 24'-1" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    upStage Storage
    Studio TK Cesto
    List Price Starts from: Workstations: $27,000
    Lounge Spaces: $12,500

    (price does not include task seating)

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 16
    Footprint: 5'-0" 120HUB spine
    13'-0" X 14'-6" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    Lounge Furniture
    upStage Storage
    List price starting from: Workstations: $11,000
    Meeting Spaces: $7,000

    (price does not include seating or accessories

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 17
    Footprint: 24'-0" zig zag spine
    11'-0" X 24'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    Complements Storage
    List Price Starting from: Workstations: $20,500
    Lounge Spaces: $21,000

    (price does not include task seating or accessories

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 18
    Footprint: 24'-0" spine
    16'-0" X 26'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    List Price Starting from: Power Spine: $12,000
    Lounge Spaces: $60,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


    District Power Spine
    District Power Spine 19
    Footprint: 28'-0" spine
    12'-3" X 28'-0" overall
    Product: District
    Power Spine
    Gus* Modern
    List Price Starting from: Power Spine: $25,000
    Lounge Spaces: $25,000

    District Power Spine

    A model of efficient functionality, the freestanding Power Spine offers a cost-effective way to divide space and route power and data. As a panel-based spine, untethered furniture can reside around it and be moved and positioned as needed, allowing for maximum flexibility.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 01

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 02

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 03

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 04

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 05

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 06

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 07

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 08

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 09

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 10

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 11

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 12

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 13
    Footprint: 15'-0" x 16'-6"
    Product: Teknion Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: Bene Box: $31,100
    Easel: $1,300

    Shop Bene Box on teknionstore

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 14
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 16'-6"
    Product: Teknion Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: Bene Box: $31,500
    Sprout: $4,700

    Shop Bene Box on teknionstore

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 15
    Footprint: 11'-6" x 23'-0"
    Product: Teknion Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: Bene Box: $31,500
    Sprout: $1,600

    (price does not include task seating)

    Shop Bene Box on teknionstore

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


      Teknion Bene Box
    Teknion Bene Box 16
    Footprint: 12'-6" x 18'-0"
    Product: Teknion Bene Box
    List Price Starting from: Bene Box: $31,500
    Sprout: $3,200

    Shop Bene Box on teknionstore

    Teknion Bene Box

    Teknion Bene Box comprises simple building blocks that flexibly shape work environments to support multiple team tasks that encourage lively group dynamics and creativity. It’s the ideal multi-functional modular furnishing system, combining desks, tables, stools, benches, lecterns, platforms, shelving units, storage tower and more.


    C+D 01
    Footprint: 8'-6" x 14'-0"
    Product: C+D Conference Table
    List Price Starting from: $20,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    C+D 02
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 30'-0"
    Product: C+D Conference Table
    List Price Starting from: $57,500

    (price does not include seating or accessories)

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    C+D 03
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 18'-0"
    Product: C+D Conference Table
    List Price(C+D only) Starting from: $29,000

    List Price(excluding C+D) Starting from: $19,500

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    C+D 04
    Footprint: 14'-0" x 17'-0"
    Product: C+D Conference Table
    List Price(C+D only) Starting from: $38,500

    List Price(excluding C+D) Starting from: $15,700

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    C+D 05
    Footprint: 14'-6" x 21'-0"
    Product: C+D
    List Price(C+D only) Starting from: $38,500

    List Price(excluding C+D) Starting from: $29,500

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    C+D 06
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 13'-0"
    Product: C+D Conference Table
    List Price(C+D only) Starting from: $10,500

    List Price(excluding C+D) Starting from: $19,500

    C+D Conference Tables

    The C+D – Craft+Design – large-scale conference table brings an artisanal focus back into the boardroom, while addressing the various connectivity needs of the contemporary workplace. Designed by Mario Ruiz, the C+D Conference Table features comprehensive options as a standard offering, with the ability to accommodate specials for various sizes, materials and finishes. The new conference table is a platform for standard, and an inspiration for customization.


    Emote 01
    Footprint: 6'-1" x 8'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $10,500
    Punt Seating: $1,800
    (price does not include seating)


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 02
    Footprint: 8'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $15,000
    Zones Lounge: $2,900

    (price does not include task chair)


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 03
    Footprint: 9'-0" x 10'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $23,000
    Zones Lounge: $2,900

    (price does not include task chair)


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 04
    Footprint: 7'-5" x 8'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $17,500
    Punt Seating: $1,800


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 05
    Footprint: 8'-4" x 9'-6"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $8,200
    Punt Seating: $1,800
    Zones: $6,500


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 06
    Footprint: 5'-0" x 10'-8"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $10,500
    Zones: $4,700


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 07
    Footprint: 7'-0" x 7'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $7,500
    Punt Seating: $1,800
    Zones: $550


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.


    Emote 08
    Footprint: 10'-4" x 11'-0"
    Product: Emote
    List Price Starting from: Emote: $20,500
    Punt Seating: $3,500
    (price does not task seating)


    Emote transforms the private office into the creative office, one with a fresh look and the freedom to function in multiple ways. Lighter in scale, this simple yet versatile offering is well-suited to today’s smaller spaces. Emote is a collection of distinct furniture elements. It is simple, versatile, easy to understand and puts the user in control of their space. Emote enables today’s agile worker to move with ease from focused tasks at the desk, to brainstorming on a series of Thought Boards, or capturing ideas on a laptop while standing comfortably at the Work Cabinet.